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When the Shoes are Gone
We are back from missionary training. What an awesome experience. We are so thankful to have gone through MTI. Now, we are faced with yet another move, and this time, we are REALLY getting rid of things. Every piece of furniture is going except for the crib, any excess clothes are being consigned. And my…
The Final Missionary Training
Right now we are at MTI, an organization near Colorado Springs that trains missionaries who are about to go on the field. This is our final training before going to Belize. This means we are very close to getting there. Yay! We are still at about 76% funded. No, we never did reach our goal…
A Quick Update
Just to let you know, we are doing very well. We have not updated our meter, but it looks like we are right around 76-77%. We’ll do the math later. It is our goal to be at 80% by Monday. We still have several days to accomplish this. However, we have no idea where it…
In My Weakness He is GLORIFIED
I’m writing this post to give glory to God. This past month has been difficult. Oh I wish that I could tell you that I had ULTIMATE, EXTREME, MOUNTAIN MOVING Faith, and it was because of that faith that you see that support-o-meter up to 74%, but I can’t. I have faith, but not enough…
A Crucial Week
We have had a busy past couple of weeks calling churches to make appointments. We went to a wonderful church this morning just to visit and ended up presenting the ministry for five minutes. Talk about impromptu. John did most of the talking and did an awesome job for just ten minutes notice. Tomorrow we…
MD, PA, NY and DE
The above title is where we hope to have meetings in the near future with churches. So far, we have a couple of meetings in NY and maybe MD. Please pray for us about PA and DE, and possibly NC. We are working hard to get the remainder 30%. Right now, we are in MD,…
Down in Mexico
We are in Mexico! That’s right. Yesterday we made the drive to Tijuana. Vacation you ask? I think not. We are visiting a Converge World Wide ( our mission board) mission ministry called Mexico Caravan Ministries. Here is the website if you want to check it out: Our field representative thought it would be…
A trip to Oregon and Washington
Here we are in Washington after a three day stay in Oregon visiting churches. We were in Oregon visiting three churches. Last Sunday John was given the opportunity to preach at a church service. He did an awesome job. I’m really proud of him. At another church, to my great surprise, I was reunited with…
WOW, is all we can say about our trip to Belize (you really want to read this)
These past 10 days we have shared our blog with the Lakeview team that has been here. They are leaving today. In fact, They should have taken off an hour ago. We will be leaving tomorrow. Read on to see how AMAZING our God is. EVERY DAY on this trip God revealed to John and…