Today was awesome! Church was amazing. Everyone was so very nice and welcomed us with open arms. We went to the young marrieds class for Sunday school and we had a really great time. The lesson was wonderful, really solid. Then we went to the 11:30 service (Cornerstone has an 8:00, 10:00, 11:30, and 5:00…
Go and serve
Today was Cornerstone’s (church we are visiting) “Second Saturday” outreach. They rented five van’s and had different locations for us to go to. 120 people showed up for this event at the church. We could choose to go to six different ministry sites ranging from a homeless shelter to construction. John and I chose to…
Safe and sound… but a little worn out
Whew! It’s been a long day! We’ve been up since 4:30! After my bad cinnabon (yes, I’m still complaining about it, it was truly awful), we boarded the plane, the first leg was very uneventful. The second leg (from Detroit to Phoenix) was VERY eventful. After loathing the thought of a 4 hour flight, we…
Here we go….
After a really early morning, major traffic, check-in, security, and a really terrible $6.00 cinnabon, we’re finally at the gate. Our plane is boarding now so this will be brief. Please pray that all goes smooth today. We have a very short lay-over in Detroit. Well, we better board now. More later…
Becoming a Support Partner
Many people have asked us how they can become a financial supporter of our ministry. We have been promising to post this information on our blog, and we finally have. To the right of our blog posts, underneath “pages” you will see “How do I become a support partner?”, click on this and it will…
We’re Back from Maryland
What a wonderful vacation we had! It was a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. John and I were able to spend time with both sides of our family. We enjoyed every minute of it. Even then, I did not see everyone I wanted to see in Maryland. Oh well, next trip. Our…
Merry Christmas!!!
Hello, I just wanted to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement. John and i really appreciate it. The best gift we got was a couple of days ago, when our friend Curt, from the BGC, wrote the following, “Dear John and Mel, It gives me a…
In Maryland / New blog features
We have arrived in Maryland safe and sound. The past couple of days have consisted of shopping, catching up, shopping, church, shopping, reading, shopping, playing games, and shopping. Whew! Last minute Christmas shopping, can’t beat that! Any way, we are thankful to be at home and resting. This trip is for the most part a…
We’re Just Travelin’ Through
This week has been filled with making plans to travel. Wow! Do We have a lot of places to go between this Friday and the middle of January. First we are headed to Maryland Dec. 21st-January 2nd. We will enjoy the holidays with my parents and attend the wedding of John’s brother, Tim. We will…
Paula Stanley
Dear Readers, I am taking the time today to tell you about the worship leader of our church. She was a wonderful God-fearing woman. She lead our church in song and she was also the wife of our Sunday School teacher. She and Billy (her husband) always wanted our classroom repainted. The colors were red,…