Hi all, it’s another update post. There are some great things happening and some items we need you to pray for. Woman’s Bible study: We are currently doing the Beth Moore series called The Psalms of Ascent. We just did the introductory session and on Thursday we will get into the real meat of the…
Immediately they left their boat and their father
For the past 24 hours this has been on my heart and I thought to share it with you: This weekend was the high school graduation party of my beautiful sister Jessica. On my mom’s side I have three sisters whom I am very close to. ALL of the sisters were together this weekend to…
It’s a…
Girl!!!!! Another beautiful girl! We could not be more thrilled. I know and understand the beautiful bond of sisterhood and am very happy that Evangeline and little baby ” ” ( we are not sharing the name again), will be able to experience that bond. The doctors appt. went well. He is concerned that I…
A Kidney Stone Story
I woke early this morning with a pain in my right side. A feeling of dread came over me. I knew this pain. It happened a couple of years ago when I ended up passing small, undetectable stones. I prayed that it would not be so, but as the morning progressed I felt that searing…
I realized that some items I have written about have been left hanging so I felt I should write updates about these particular items. Here they are: Worker Permits: They found our Worker Permits! We hand carried them to the capital city. They are not ready yet. Please pray that they will be ready before…
In the Palm of His Hand
Rainy season has begun. For the past two days, it has been storming almost non-stop. It is a well kept secret of mine (not anymore) that I am fearful of storms. It’s true. I do not like them, they make me feel very vulnerable. My family likes to tease me about a time when I…
A Sweet Salvation
As I write this I am beaming. I have been waiting since yesterday to write this post, I am so excited and have been tremendously blessed this weekend. Read on to find out why: Her name is Shelly. The first time John and I met her two and a half years ago she was a…
Women’s Retreat
Please pray for Mel and 10 other women from our village who are at a women’s retreat this weekend. This is one of the largest groups we’ve ever taken from our village. Pray that they will be spiritually rejuvenated and will return with a greater focus to live out the love of Christ among their…
Thank You
I can’t thank you enough for all of the comments I received on my last post. Everyone’s empathy and understanding really encouraged me. I wish I had time right now to write each on of you, possibly I will over the next month. It took me a long time to write that post. I knew…
A Time to Mourn a Time to Sew Together
If you have been reading my blogs since my arrival in Belize, then you probably would have noticed a mournful tone. I would say that your observations have been correct. Part of being a missionary is adjusting to culture and new surroundings. Part of adjusting is to mourn that which you have lost. It’s ok…