I Would Have Despaired

“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the the Lord”. Psalm 27:13-14

This month we celebrate one year on the mission field. One year. Oh what year it has been. It opened with me finding out I was pregnant the first week I was here. Then came transitioning to a new lifestyle and culture, family issues, deaths in the village of dear friends, two tropical storms and one hurricane that destroyed our apartment, a c-section, and infectious kidney stones accompanied with an emergency trip home and two medical procedures. When I look at all that has happened in just one year I truly am amazed that God sustained us. There were some very dark places for us this year, some times when all we could do was cry out to God with questions. At times we were grasping for courage and heart. We would have despaired.



Yes we did. We encountered God in our very weakest of moments. We saw Him work when there was no other possible way. We felt him reach into the core of our beings and literally lift us up and give us the path to walk on. We have seen God’s glory in the midst of despairing circumstances and I say HALLELUJAH! Who could bring this missionary from mourning to acceptance? Jesus? Who can bring healing to families? Jesus? Who can draw five villagers to saving grace in Him? Jesus. Who can provide money and food to us when we thought it was impossible? Jesus. Who can fix what was broken and soaked and soiled? Jesus. Who can heal heart soul and body? Jesus. WE HAVE SEEN GOD’S GOODNESS. Never doubt that it is there. It is.

Amidst all of the struggles there were so much more blessings. I really hope that there are some people reading this that have brought teams or visited us this year. God really used you all in a mighty way to encourage us when we were at our lowest of lows. Thank you so much for coming.

Now, we are ready to face this year, having learned so much and yet still ready to learn more and wait on the Lord. We WILL be of good courage.

6 thoughts on “I Would Have Despaired

  1. Mom

    AMEN!!! Praise our gracious, loving, and faithful God!! “Faithful is He who called you, who also will do (accomplish) it.”

  2. Paul & Phyllis Hull

    What a great testimony of God’s faithfulness!!! Our Pastor has said many times that God is not as concerned with our comfort as He is with our growth. I didn’t like that when I first heard it. Doesn’t He care when we hurt? I have discovered that He does care but He wants to see how we will lean more on Him through the hards time. It’s easier to see hindsight than when your going through it. We thank the Lord with you for fruit and the changed lives that have resulted. Keep on keeping on!!!

  3. Donna Chapman

    So good to hear your feelings on this end of your trials. It is faithbuilding for us to hear your testimony of God’s faithfulness IN THE MIDST of your trials.

    Bless you both!


  4. Jude

    Keep it up! Miss you guys and our friends there. Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Jodi Strava

    The four of you have been in the forefront of my mind and prayers just the past couple of days. How amazing to read your “year in review” and see how much your family has grown in the past year. As I read this, I remembered reading, and truly empathizing with you, as you sorted through your shoes, deciding which were truly important and remembering all the fun you’d had in them. Mel, your blog had been a real blessing during the past year. I am blessed to walk down your mission road through your blog and pray that likewise, you are blessed by the prayers of those who pray for you. May God continue to bless the four of you, and use you to further His kingdom. Jodi

  6. Darlene

    PTL…………I know you have seen God’s power, even during your darkest days & I’m sure you have grown through it all.
    I can’t believe you’ve been in Belize a year! WOW!
    We keep you in our prayers & I would love to come on a mission trip there.
    Keep up the good work! God is using you in a mighty way & we’re so thankful for you.


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