Green Means Go [Ye]!

We have the “green light”! AMEN! We are going to be in Belize by the middle of February. PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! Please lift up a prayer of thanksgiving for us. We are definitely thanking God here.

So what’s next? First, we have to set a solid date, we are hoping to purchase tickets tomorrow. We are thinking John will leave on the 17th and have a pretty good idea as to when I will be leaving but are not sure. Second, we have to decide exactly what will travel with John because we have to make up a manifest and send it in to the Mexican border so they will be prepared for John and Stanley (Guide from Belize who will be driving with John to Belize). I’ll have to have John write a blog on Stanley’s instructions for driving through Mexico to get to Belize it’s really interesting. Third, we have to decide what to get and what to hold off on. Money is tight and so we have to only purchase what we absolutely need and can’t get in Belize (which is a lot, LOL).

I found child care for Evangeline for free, thank you to a close friend of ours. She is a gem of a person. I want you all to know, that a fellow missionary couple gave us the last funds we needed to get to Belize. If was a significant amount and we are humbled. It’s truly a testament to how passionate missionaries are about missions, they are willing to put forth all they have to see another go. We love you guys! You know who you are.

Stay tuned we will be posting a lot in the next few weeks. Please continue to pray for us. We love you!

10 thoughts on “Green Means Go [Ye]!

  1. Donna Chapman


  2. Cecil

    It’s been wonderful to watch the Lord provide for you three. Our prayers are with you for a soon arrival in Belize, and for a fruitful ministry there.

  3. Caroline P.

    Praise the Lord! His timing is always perfect.

  4. Praise the Lord!

  5. HOORAY!!!!!!! Praise the KING! Do it y’all!

  6. Tammy Starr

    We are so proud of you guys. The Lord is so faithful!

  7. Jodi Strava

    Praise God indeed!

  8. Valerie

    “Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” NIV. You go, guys!! :0) And may the Lord bless you and keep you. (We sure will miss seeing you.) Much love to you, Melissa, John, and Evangeline. And special blessing for the amazing couple that gave so generously, the light of Jesus certainly shines through their lives.

  9. Jenaya

    Woo hoo! I’m so excited for you guys!!! 😀

  10. Tania

    Woo hooo!

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