What exactly to we we do every day?
One of our chief tasks during this trip is the daily upkeep of the mission base. Since we are not hosting any teams, this is an easier task than if we were, but there are still many things to do.
Cooking- Every day at the base is a cooking day. There is no running out to the nearby “Micky D’s” or Applebees to satisfy a craving pallet. No, they have to rely on me. So that means preparing many meals by scratch or close to scratch. True, we have cereal for the mornings, but often times, in this heat and work that the guys do, cereal is just not enough. Cooking three meals a day in a very hot kitchen, takes up more time than you would think. When there is a team on the base we have a cook from the village come in so we can concentrate on the team. But for now, I am the cook. Good thing I like to do it!
Maintaining the road- There is a dirt road from the lagoon to the base that always seems to have potholes. The reason for this is the steady rain and shifting sand. John and Popsie have been battling with the frequently broken down backhoe to fill these holes. They also have been using machetes to chop down the over growth so there is a wide enough path for van to get through.
Village ministry- Another one of our chief goals is to get to know the villagers, this of course, requires frequent visits to the village. Our weeks are filled with bible studies, church and fellowship. Time with the villagers is about to increase as we will start visiting house to house, introducing ourselves and try to make new friends. We want them to know that we are there to share our lives together with them. We WANT to be in Belize to serve them and spread the gospel.
Visiting nearby cities and ministries- Now that we are comfortable with “base living”, we would like to visit the neighboring cities that we have not yet been to as well as visit at least one other missionary in that city. We have heard that missions in Belize is very “territorial”, but all we hope to accomplish is to tell them that we will be in Belize to serve alongside them and hope that one day all the missionaries can come together so we can reach the common goal of seeing the Belizeans hearts captured for Christ.
There are other small things here and there that we do, but to describe in full what we do day to day would take pages. To think of how Vera and Basil have made it these past seven years, I can only say it’s been through God’s strength. Daily our admiration for what the Lord has done through them grows in John and I. We feel very privileged to serve the Lord beside them and glean from their wisdom and experience.
Below are some pictures with captions, just click on the picture to enlarge. Enjoy!
- Me and the baby girl by the beach at night. I'm 20 weeks. Halfway! Yay!
- Chris and Shania, brother and sister. Shania is always cuddling up to me and is facinated with my growing belly. She likes to talk to the baby, it's so sweet.
- We were invited to dinner by Doris (pictured) and her "come-along" Brandon. They are becoming good friends.
- Girls bible study making signs to remind us that Jesus Christ laid down His life for them.
- Yes! We caught and killed it! Along with two others. VICTORY over the scorpions!
Yes we found it and killed it! We also found and killed 2 others!
I am really enjoying your updates! I can tell you are staying busy and loving it! That is great that you are halfway through your pregnancy!
I didn’t know it was a girl. Do you have any names picked out yet? And how about a baby shower? We’ve got to get you fixed up. And when is the due date?
Thanks for the day-to-day breakdown. My admiration for you guys and Basil and Vera grows. I am praying for Basils quick return to full health.
Much love, keep up the good work, Love, Donna
We are so thankful for the Lord’s protection and victory over scorpions, etc. and that you are not letting anything hinder you from your mission to reach the lost with the gospel. We will be praying for Doris & Brandon, as well as your relationship with other missionaries. Baby is really growing! Do your clothes have enough stretch to last 3 more weeks? 🙂
You did not mention Basils health! Last time were praying for his recovery…
Good for you, maybe the villagers have a good reciept for scorpions.
Margie is still sick with bladder infection, Dr Long has done all he knows to do and has sending her to a specialist.
No apporintment until tuesday. that will make it a month,
and she is not looking good it it goes into the kidney thats it. pray.
Do the people there have a need for bicycles as primary transportation?
holy cow! that scorpion was huge! those are not Arizonian scorpions. Look at your belly! Praying for you guys.
Hi guy’s,
We just got back from a week in Peru doing some vision work with Food for the Hungry. Great ministry going on down there, we believe it is the next place for Cornerstone. Love your updates and especially your heart for the village. You continue in our prayers!
His Strength,
Wow!! How exciting to hear of all of the wonderful work you are involved in! The Lord has so much planned for the two (three) of you and the best is yet to come! Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Those are the most special moments that God gives to women. Stay strong as you continue to spread the name of Jesus!! I am so excited for you!!
Hey Melissa! Yay! Finally a pic of that belly. I love you and miss you.
Your big sis, Tam