Hot showers do not exist at the base. They are cold to lukewarm at best. If your like me, then you feel your best after a nice hot shower (even on a warm day). Since it’s March, and not the middle of the heat of the summer, the water in the tanks are even cooler. This makes me dread taking a shower. Call me spoiled but I just like a hot shower, always have and always will. Well, we have a small apartment in Belize City for when we come back and forth to pick up and drop off teams. It’s small, not in the best part of town (not the worst either), and it floods during the rainy season, BUT, the rent is CHEAP and it has a hot shower, and I took one :-). We are so thankful for our small apartment and those evenings where we can enjoy a simple thing. We actually like the apartment and it’s a good walking distance to small shops and “fast food” places.
Before I left, my friend Amy bought me one of my favorite scents called “Amazing Grace”. It is a set that comes with perfume, shower gel, and lotion. I can not use it at the base because things that smell good attract bugs. I can however, use it in the city because the bugs are much less than at the base. So I get a hot shower and I get to smell good, if only for a day. Thank you Amy! I guess this seems so simple and petty, but when you live a life on the base like we do, oh how the simple things become luxuries! For example, we found POP TARTS and bought them. I am so excited to have POP TARTS. We have only been here for a month but there are so many things I am learning I took for granted that I do not think I will anymore. I know there is much more for us to learn, but for now, at this moment, we’ll enjoy a POP TART.
WOOHOO! I bet you felt wonderful! I am a hot shower girl too!
The Hot shower thing is my doing. I got all my kids use to hot showers since there were infants. All five of them will take a hot shower in the middle of a hot summer (very soothing). Yes, my electric bill always has been a little higher but as far as I’m concern I rather trim down the budget on my groceries. So Melissa your mother get’s you! Enjoy your “hot showers”.
We do thank God for His “amazing grace” in things both big and small and the “oases in the desert” that He provides to lift our spirits. Yes, Lord, “your lovingkindness is better than life.” We are blessed when we appreciate even the smallest of God’s gifts. 🙂
Mel, I read your post this morning in the midst of my personal pity party. All week I’ve been claiming Matthew 6:20-21, Store up your treasures in Heaven… and your post has renewed my desire to continue claiming these verses. Thank you for your beautiful spirit of self surrender and loving servanthood. Though we’ve only spoken a couple of times, you are ministering to me, back in Peoria, AZ, on a very regular basis. We will continue to lift you, Jon and Evangeline in our prayers.
Thank you for helping us realize the blessings we do take for granted each day….pop tarts and hot showers. Keep telling your story be honest and true….let others see Jesus in you!
DC Shower Girl 2
Yes, it is mom’s fault because I too love a hot shower in any season. Love you.
I remember when they used to say to much bathing weakens ya.
(at least the smell)
I am so happy to hear you are enjoying the Amazing Grace and the hot shower! I know if I were in Belize I would enjoy the same things! Love ya.
So glad you can enjoy some “little” pleasures that turn out to be big ones—-puts things in perspective for all of us! We like hearing these details of y’all’s experiences so please keep sharing!
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