The population of Gales Point is 500. Half of those people are age 18 and below. If we can reach these kids while they are young it could mean that the Lord might revitalize the village to what it was 25 years ago, a thriving, beautiful, friendly village. Today we headed to Gales Point to do relay races with the teens. They had so much fun making up team cheers, doing a wheelbarrow race, and many other things. Before the last game, Vera looks at me and says, “We should talk to them after the races.” I told her “Sure I have something in mind.” I prayed about it and God put a couple of ideas in my mind and I went with it. I talked about running three races, the bad race, the ok race, and the good race. I’m sure you can see where I went with that. It was AMAZING. I was thinking “This is what it is all about!” Jesus walked and talked with people, he spent time with them and loved on the children, and he taught. We shared the gospel and planted seeds. Praise God for this opportunity to serve!