Death and Taxes

So they say the only sure things in life are death and taxes. Well, we’re working hard at trying to prepare people for the former, but we’re also facing a little bit of the latter.

We’re preparing to make the very last payment on the property where the mission is located, and with the payment a title transfer tax of 5% becomes due.

More info is available on the mission blog at It’s UnBelizeable and Update to UnBelizeable.

The long and short of it is that we’re still trying to raise $13,500 to pay the transfer tax. If God’s used the mission to touch your life or the life of one of your loved ones, would you consider helping us continue that ministry?

In other news, our niece Cameryn arrived today. She’ll be with us for the next 6 weeks as a missionary intern and helping us with the kids while we’re working with several groups. You may remember that she spent some of last summer with us and was a huge help, so we’re really excited to have her back.

2 thoughts on “Death and Taxes

  1. Jennifer Bjorgen

    Praying about the mission’s need and praising God for Cameryn’s safe arrival.

  2. Darlene Millican

    How nice that your niece will be with you. This will be a big help for Mel’s lonliness also. Praying you have a great 6 weeks with Cameryn there with you.

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